Personal Goals
Here is a collection of some goals I’m working on! I decided to post them here both for personal accountability but also to potentially start a conversation. If you have experience, advice, or struggles with anything listed here, I’d love to strive towards our goals together.
Be present
Be effective
Be adventurous
Be kind
Continuously learn and grow
Input/ Output
Limit social media to <45 minutes daily
Read at least 2 books outside of assigned reading monthly
Write at least one personal essay/ blog post/ article monthly
Write at least one poem a week
Read at least three relevant journal articles weekly (metabolomics, phytochemicals, synthetic biology, ecology, biotech)
Complete the German Duolingo course
Complete the online DW German course
Finish reading Fünf Deutsche Meister-Erzählungen
Read at least 3 short articles a week in German
Run the Columbus half marathon (Oct. 17!)
Exercise at least 5x weekly
Meditate 10 minutes daily
Be outside for at least 30 minutes daily (beyond walking to classes)
Go somewhere brand new (restaurant, museum, city, state, etc) at least bimonthly
Identify internships of interest
Begin organizing list of potential PhD advisors, make table of application deadlines
Complete at least 20 hours of volunteering per semester
Donate food/ desserts to the shelter at least 2x per semester